By Ariella - 29/08/2011 04:06 - Singapore

Today, I found out that I was adopted. I'm 46 years old with 11 real siblings and no one bothered to tell me until I found the documents in my dead adoptive father's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 843
You deserved it 2 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Midrash 5

Wow.. That blows. But I am sure he did it for your own good.

missL1z 5

Maybe to their eyes, you were never adopted and has always been part of the family. Also, we don't know what's the arrangement made by both families when they adopted you so it's hard to say.


Honestly, I don't see how people can see that 'they deserved it' on this one, if anything this should some suck. But love is more important than blood if anything.

With eleven siblings at least one of you had to be adopted

It sucks but get over it and look to your brothers and sisters who "are" your real family now. Why overlook a good thing?

sucks... but you had a loving family and upbringing right? so all's good :D also, not to sound mean, but the 11 siblings didnt tip you off?

ZielZone 4

Who cares??? You at least have a family, this isn't something EARTH SHATTERING... Suck it up!

caseymac1 0

My mother turns 51 this year, and just two years ago found 18 brothers and sisters. All from the same mom, three different dads.

lilcatisawesome 7

Pooping I would have b slapped mt mom dand that like really freickin suckssssss

silversonic75 6

Wow, your life must feel like one life-long epic fail....... Well good luck with that! No, seriously, life can be hard and it sounds like your family situation is worse than mine. I honestly wish you luck.

I'm so sorry about how and when you found out. I was also adopted but my parents who adopted me, told me before I even knew what it meant, so I grew up knowing I was adopted so it was no surprise. I was curious but I guess not as much as if I had figured it out later in my life. One thing I learned was doesn't matter as long as you are part of a family who takes care of you just like if you were their blood-related child.