By fuckedup - 13/11/2009 19:13 - Germany

Today, I found out that my mom called my boss informing him that I am a little behind on some college projects. She felt he should know that she fears I might not be able to graduate on the planned date. My boss had already offered me a permanent job. I may not get that job now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 020
You deserved it 3 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WinchesterRising 0

Call your mom's boss. Tell him you're worried about her paranoia and that she shouldn't be allowed sharp objects.

Beat the crap out of her. Then call your dad and tell him you fear she won't be able to suck it good tonight. ... ok, ok. Maybe not that. But where does your mother get off doing something like that??


WinchesterRising 0

Call your mom's boss. Tell him you're worried about her paranoia and that she shouldn't be allowed sharp objects.

so? finish school. that's more important and if your boss/company values your contribution that much, they'll hire when you are done - I they hire you now even with the school thing going on.

ur in college, and its ur choice to do watever u want. u should tell ur mom that ur grown up and should give u space

Erindub 0

Your mom needs to butt out. Yucky! Assuming you aren't some child prodigy like Doogie Houser I think its safe to assume you're at least 18. Moms got to go!

dudeitsdanny 9

And if he IS a child prodigy, I'm assuming she should know better than to think he won't graduate

HBubble 3

YDI for letting your mother treat you like a pathetic, no balled, loser. Get a life and stand up for yourself.

Link5794 18

She called her son's boss behind his back. He didn't really have a chance to stop her. -_-"

With all due respect, your mom is a stupid bitch. :-/

Don't feel offended if someone calls you son of a bitch :)