By Imslow - 05/04/2011 16:40 - United States

Today, I found out that our neighbors told almost everyone on our street that I was mentally handicapped. All this time I wasn't sure why they would speak slowly and loudly at me. Now they won't believe me when I tell them I'm a 4.0 GPA student. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 619
You deserved it 3 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Break down their door and wreck their house! No one can blame you because they think your mentally Handicap.


zero_ego 0

Don't worry Corky, life goes on..... lol

Having a 4.0 GPA doesn't mean you're smart. It just means you work hard and actually do your homework, study, etc. Like someone else on here said, you could get all A's in special classes and still have a good GPA. In any case, you know you're not mentally handicapped, so why do you care what they think?

u must look dumb then, i dont believe u either

Lichinamo 33

How could you not believe them if you have never met them? That just makes you appear as the retarded one on this FML.

Tell everyone your neighbor used to be a woman. Or they swing or something, I dunno.

it defo has advantages, like u can poop on lawns, pull up flowers, eat their young you kno that sorta stuff and get away with it

noobgang7 5

This can be a good thing... You can get away with it and not get in trouble. Maybe run over a news anchorman and his dead hooker or go into the ladies bathroom and bust open all the doors because you "don't know any better"

houstontxmex 0

Forget about them, you put your helmet back on, strap it down tight, grab your favorite crayons and go hump a tree...make your other 4.0 classmates happy and proud of you. :)


9- you shut your ***** mouth when Billy mays is talking!!!!

SofaKingHappy 0

i would **** up my neighbors if i were you :)