By addie19 - 19/01/2010 19:25 - United States

Today, I found out the antibiotics I'm taking can cause you to vomit unexpectedly. In the car. While driving. To work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 730
You deserved it 2 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, but it is!!!!! It also causes the OP to vomit out her words in. short. unnecessary. phrases.

lem0n_fml 0

Was it really necessary to split your second sentence up into three?


how did u find out? did your doctor tell u?? XD

Fr0gg13 0

so was the car in park? hope u didn't get in a wreck with puke hahahaha

xlostwithoutu 0

Im sorry ... that sucks ... I hate throwing up , well who doesn't? FYL

xlostwithoutu 0

One time I actually was taking a pill, and I forgot that u have to eat food before taking it, or else you'll throw up.... let's just say I took it on an empty stomach... yeah.

;_; I feel your pain! Antibiotics that were to help my stomach problems made them worse for about a month.

haha, I hate pills of any form. Weed cures almost every ailment I have had over the years.

Oh yeah. That sucks. A lot. Just like when people use too many periods. Interjected seemingly randomly in the middle of sentences. To get their point across. Because it really adds nothing to what they have to say. It's quite annoying actually. In all honesty. Seriously.

That happened to me once but in my case it didn't affect my ability to write proper sentences.

Hmm, not only did the antibiotics make you vomit; they seem to have affected. Your typing skills. As well.

PottentialFML 0

yes they can cause. they cause stomach problems because there aren't enough bacteria in the stomach to digest food, that's why I took acedophelis while I was on antibiotics for tonsilitis