By BNLM - 09/03/2010 01:11 - United States

Today, I found the purity ring I lost a year ago. Too bad I lost my virginity 4 months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 628
You deserved it 34 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments


all the people saying they lost your virginity to an inanimate object should shut up. you're a virgin until you have intercourse with another person.

cooliodefined 0
puppergens 0

YDI for having a purity ring

why the hell would you get a purity ring in the first place

shut up. losing that ring didn't make u open ur legs

What's the FML? This is about as an FML as, "I went to drink a glass of water. There wasn't any ice. FML"

bugmenotmofo 34

Today, I wanted to post something on FML about how I got laid four months ago. I tried to put a bad spin on it with some junk about a purity ring, but let's face it: I got laid! **** YOUR lives, internet!

i don't even see how this is a fml, just because you lost your ring doesn't mean you have to lose your virginity...