By Viridian - 12/05/2009 13:41 - United States

Today, I gave a big presentation at work. The manager decided to video tape it. I went through my presentation with ease and was confident I did a good job. My confidence was then lowered after watching the tape. Apparently, my boobs are much more interesting than what I had to say. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 735
You deserved it 7 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pft, you could be talking about how to turn rocks into gold and boobs would still be more interesting


lolwhat_fml 0

#59 fails at attempting to be funny but @ leat they paid attention to you ;) And this isnt even a bad fml : D

..Did anyone consider if this was a guy? that would be disturbing

rawkdinosawr 0

'if you want a man to pay attention to what you're saying, you have to take away other distractions.' and if you want to walk around the streets without getting raped, you have to wear a chastity belt and be escorted at all times. otherwise what dya expect, after all you do have a uterus and you can hardly expect men to control themselves can you? bloody cheek. people these days. poor emily pankhurst.

LOL... perv... at least that means you have nice boobs though, in a situation like that you should just take it as a compliment.

zanyone 0
oogoa 0

Does anyone else find the constant requests for pictures of her boobs a little bit disturbing?

Hey look on the bright side. At least you've got nice boobs.

Aristai 0

That is called sexual harassment. You could get him in big trouble.

kapowi 0

It isn't sexual harrassment, morons. If it were, it would be the girl's fault. It's a business environment, and if your boobs were particularly noticeable, then that's unprofessional. Take it as a learning experience. Next time, dress appropriately for the job.