By Tal - 26/04/2009 15:14 - United States

Today, I got kicked in the face at a soccer game. Everybody clapped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 659
You deserved it 9 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You dumbarse when a player gets injured in sports and gets up ok, people clap because the you're ok.


bmt09 0

Thats what you get for playing soccer.... Nancy

#83 wtf mate, soccer- or as we super awesome scottish people call it- football is not for "nancies" and if you must slag the people that play it please come up with a better insult that "nancy", c'mon even "your face" beats that.

So tired of these FMLs. If people clapped BECAUSE you got kicked in the face, you're probably an asshole so YDI. If you're just twisting things around and they happened to clap because of something ELSE that happened at the same time, go away.

If you kept on running it was probably a sign of respect. In games that I've played in/watched when someone gets hurt and keeps on going everyone claps.

omg that is horrible!!!! maybe ur an jerk, and that's y they were clapping? If not, then, i dunno. sorry

that was short and sweet man. sooo funny...sad...but funny.

HAHAHA I'm sorry buddy. but i would have laughed. maybe not clapped. but i definitely would have laughed. ouu, maybe i'd start the waaave .

dimmythat 0

maybe you're an asshole? FYL either way then ;)

yeah you're an idiot because they clap because you were strong enough to keep playing/get up.

fmlnotreally 0

you're stupid and have obviously not been playing soccer long enough. They clap to acknowledge that you got the crap kicked out of you, but that you chose to continue playing. It's out of respect, not disdain. Don't post again.