By Embarassed - 10/09/2009 05:32 - Canada

Today, I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. At least, I thought I did, until I woke up to my pants, sheets, and boyfriend all soaking wet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 582
You deserved it 8 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stephanieeex3 0

LMFAOLMFAO. I did that once. Aren't dreams just the sweetest?


My husband almost went in our kitty's litterbox once, and in other embarrassing places other times, because of such dream moments. XD (He occasionally sleepwalks, so you never know where in the house he might wander off to while he's dreaming he's in the bathroom. XD I've had moments where I'd get up in a hurry to go make sure the poor kitchen sink was safe. XD;)

GR3453m0nk3y 4

ok you really need to stop with those gay-ass emoticons they're ******* annoying nothing that you said was funny

It's a habit hard to break, leave the girl alone.

"xD" doesn't necessarily just replace laughter, idiot, it's a shut-eyed smile. Now why don't you run along off a bridge or something, do the world some good?

laurieloulou 0

She didn't do anything rude, you did 112. Get over it. She was relating to the op and giving her own memories, that's nothing bad.

I woke up a few days ago with my bed, sheets and boyfriend covered in ****... but I guess that's a little different.

well your boyfriend must have been smiling - FREE GOLDEN SHOWER

alex_vik 0

Wow, the last time I did that was when I was 11.

That must have been one incredible sex dream! Was I in it? ;) Your boyfriend must be happy that he has found the a rare female ejaculator!

Yep. She dreamed she saw your face, so she was so scared she pissed herself. Were there any little kids running around? :)

If you think it's pee, you are not one of the rare ones. There weren't kids running around, just the business of getting them started.

Haha, guess I'm just average and common. Oh well! Makes things...less messy.

wilshires1, How does your boyfriend/husband react to your rare talent, particularly the first time? Do you give them a heads-up about your gift, or do you just surprise them? Do they think you just peed? What would happen if you hooked up with that guy who named his junk "Squirtle?" Do you have a nickname for your talented genitalia? Toxi, you are FAR from average and common.

Thank you, plexi! :) I'd like to think I have rare talents as well, but mine probably aren't as awesome as squirting.

aaaaa12345_fml 0

female ejaculation is disgusting

Thank you for answering my questions. I know they were personal and I am grateful that you shared. It sounds very sexy. Should we start a contest to name your equipment? OK, let's say you agreed. Can anyone beat "The Juice Box?"

"Super soaker"? "Old Faithful"? "That guy who does that awful eye-milk squirting thing"? Yours is better.

We'll let wilshires1 be the judge of that. Maybe she will actually use the winning entry!

Maybe you could consider "The Cocksoaker" or "Viagra Falls" or "Joan Rivers?" I'm glad that you found that it was unusual but not unheard of. I saw the episode of Penn and Teller's "Bullshit" on Orgasms and they had a woman who would do live demonstrations of her squirting talent for groups of people. Professionally. Seems like a funner way to make a buck than flipping burgers (even though that could be a nickname for the opening act of your show ;) ).

Y'know, wilshires1, the more I think about it, the more the name "Joan Rivers" for your unique package tickles me. If you find a new guy you like, you can ask him if he wants to come to your place to meet Joan Rivers. Why don't you run that name by your current bf, see how he likes it?

Please keep us posted! We love hearing from you. ;)

Silverill 0

He should be ok unless he woke up after it turned cold.

Anon17564 3

There's a way to avoid this. Next time you wake up and need to use the toilet, take a look at your right hand. If you can count four fingers and a thumb, you're awake and it's fine. If you see something that's obviously not your hand, you're asleep. While we're asleep, details like number of fingers tend to be far less certain than otherwise. You can actually use this as a technique to be able to dream lucidly and consciously interact with your dreams (essentially, for the duration of your sleep you're in your own virtual world where anything is possible so long as you can imagine it). On a practical level for now, at least, you can confirm whether you're about to piss in the toilet or in the bed at least.

what? more like do it before going to sleep perhaps?

mekeskidi_fml 0

That doesn't work for me. My dreams are always detailed. They don't contain clocks, however.

I started to do that then i felt really warm an woke up..