By appropriatepolice - 16/01/2012 08:19 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my 65-year-old mother that it is inappropriate for her to walk around in front of me in her underwear. Her response? "Too bad." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 842
You deserved it 13 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HiddenMonkey 8

Is it her house? Too bad for you. Your house? She did wipe your ass for you when you could and all those hard times in school. Let mom have her fun.


At least she's not COMPLETELY naked.. Let the sagging glory hang out!

PA_Frustrated 5

Try having your 85 year old grandpa give you a hug while he is totally naked

lindseykcool 6

sounds like a story that should be posted officially. :)

The_Tool1 13
KVKdragon 26

I'd be avoiding her presence from now on. If it makes you uncomfortable, don't be in the same room with her.

borkchop1992 15

her house her rules get over it...unless its your house then lock her in the back yard

How is that inappropriate? If you've managed to survive children, working, driving, flying, walking, and all the other hazards of life for 65 years, you deserve to be able to walk around in your underwear without your children bitching about it. WORK IT, MUM!

On the other hand, when you decide to have children, you hopefully do so in a frame of mind to take good care of them and help them be happy. I don't know why many of those commenting would be untroubled having to see their mother in her underwear, but the OP obviously is disturbed by it. Why can't the mother wait until OP moves out? Then she certainly can do whatever she wants.

missyj0 12

I'm pretty sure of OPs mum is 65, he should have moved out a while ago. So OPs mum has every right to walk around her house however she likes, and if he has a problem with it, he should either move out or get over it. If he's already moved out and just visiting, it is quite odd she's just chillin' in her underwear. But if she's happy that way, let her be.

shadexilmaendu 4

If I ever decide to push one of those out, I would probably be "that" mom her kids post to fml about seeing topless or some shit. But you know what? In the end my kids will love their bodies and won't be ashamed of the way nature made them. I give no ***** and the fewer ***** you give, the less there is to stress about :D

It's not unheard of to have children in your 40s. It provides greater health risks to both the parent and the child, but unless I missed the age of the OP somewhere, it's still conceivable that s/he is a dependent to the mother. Regardless, it is at the discretion of the one being impacted, rather than the one inflicting the damage, to determine the extent to which something is disturbing. 39 may not mind seeing her mother topless because she believes it would make her more comfortable with her body (inverting the logic you're referencing to your own hypothetical children), but someone else may throw up and be scarred for life. It's similar to the variety of experiences kids have walking in on their parents having sex. Regardless of whether or not the OP should live at home, I feel that it's disappointing that a mother would care so little for her child's feelings, and I personally hope that I would not be like that if I was a parent.

Michyxo - The point is that if seeing your mother in her underwear makes you vomit and scars you for life, you have much bigger issues to work on. Assuming the woman is walking around her own house like that, it is her prerogative to dress (or undress) how she pleases. Now if my mother (or mother-in-law) started walking around MY house in her underwear, then all bets are off.

Last comment I promise! I was trying to convey the point that she can certainly dress how she wants, but she's being extremely rude to not care how her child feels about it. So to me, it's a FYL and not a "suck it up" or "let her be" because OP's mom doesn't care about his/her feelings. Didn't mean to wall of text about it.

missyj0 12

She squeezed OP out of her ******, fed him, raised him, clothed him and put up with his shit for who knows how long. Kids are a bitch. So she if she's happy walking around her house pantsless it is FAR from rude. It's more rude for OP to tell his mother that what she's doing is wrong.

Michy even if OP's mum had him at 40, OP would be 25, so gtfo of your parents house. My mother used to do this, I hated it but as 39 said you learn to love yourself. No pants ftw, you try watching a movie on the couch with no pants.

If your mother is 65 years old you probably should be moved out long ago. She is probably tired of waiting for the OP to move out.

Adopted? I know mid teens with parents in their 60s.

Granny is letting it all hang out, strip down or gtfo.

astralvagan 20

She's 65..... Let her hang free if she wants....

florido_fml 10

It's her house too she can do whatever she wants. At least she wasn't naked. Picture that