By BlootheBawss - 03/09/2011 04:48 - United States

Today, I have been released from jail because my idiot friends decided to get me a surprise hooker for my birthday. Turns out "Candy" was actually an undercover cop. My friends ditched me. I was the only one arrested. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 313
You deserved it 4 632

Bloothebawss tells us more.

It's illegal where I live. And yeah, I'm working in the new friends thing.

Top comments

rein 8

Hahah hope you had a good birthday "cell-lebration" :D


Ur friends must not really like you then

scottgeo 0

I feel bad for your friends if they didnt get their money back.

You should really stop calling them "friends".

bs_101 6

Uhm yea nice friends.. U need 2 find u some real friends.

Remember it's the thought that counts

Lily_lops95 0

Huh? A lot of stripers are named Candy