By Earplugged - 25/01/2015 05:01 - United States - Vancouver

Today, I have to wear earplugs in my own apartment because my neighbor won't turn down his music. My landlord doesn't believe me because "people with disabilities can't be rude." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 682
You deserved it 2 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iLike2Teabag 27

Sounds like you're landlord is was born with chronic stupidity. We should raise awareness for this growing disability


iLike2Teabag 27

Sounds like you're landlord is was born with chronic stupidity. We should raise awareness for this growing disability

I'm sorry. You made a great point. We might need a foundation to fund. But i can't resist.... *Your

I never like involving the police, but maybe now's the time for that?

Or call the landlord when the music is up and let him hear it through the phone.

iLike2Teabag 27

Having seen the music video for "Turn Down For What", I wouldn't recommend either of those things. The cop will end up joining the party and whoever picks up the phone will have his face melted...

My apartment complex won't do anything unless there is a police report written. Talk to your neighbor and when that fails (which it seems it has), call the police.

Agree. Talk to your neighbor, but if it doesn't help, call the cops!

Maybe talking to the neighbor might help? Sorry OP, I hope this issue can be resolved!

BBlah 26

Some people have the most skewed logic ever. Sorry OP, I hope you'll be able to come to a compromise with your neighbor

I agree! Why should a disabled person be considered any less of an arsehole just because of their disability? Still a human being. Still capable of being rude!

NomeDMF 17

He sounds like he's full of ignorance.

"People with disabilities can't be rude".... over the top political correctness much?

Blast Justin Bieber music and promise not to stop until they do too.

If anything, play Adele. At least "Rolling in the deep" sound better than anything by Bieber.

FieldLeftBlank 20

Plot twist - the neighbour is a JBiebz fan (<3 etc), decides OP is his soulmate and starts stalking him. Without turning down the music.

I'm really sorry OP. My brother-in-law and sister had to go through this. Honestly, the best advice I have is call the police when he won't turn down the music, and if the landlord tries to evict you, fight it. The landlord legally has to do something about it and obviously they aren't doing anything. Another option is move out without the 30 day notice. I know, normally, you have to give them a month's advance of the move, BUT this is so unacceptable.

Don't police handle noise complaints? If the asshat won't turn the music down he might reconsider after being fined. Or you could put some gay **** on with the volume all the way up while you are at work. .