By Steve - 13/09/2017 04:30

Today, I helped my girlfriend pick out a pretty dress for a corporate event. It turns out the first use it was going to see was a date with her side dick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 331
You deserved it 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lobby_Bee 17

Time to make her side dick, her only dick from now on.

A shame that your taste in dresses is better than her taste in men.


SteelSoul5 9

Side dick instead of side chick now that has a "ring" to it !

Bitches ain't nuthin' but hoes and tricks

Bitches ain't nuthin' but hoes and tricks!

Lobby_Bee 17

Time to make her side dick, her only dick from now on.

A shame that your taste in dresses is better than her taste in men.

How'd you find out? Dump her. The number of cheating victims on FML recently is pretty sad.

Well, you can hardly blame her. Buying an entire dress for just one thing is incredibly wasteful.

On my first reading, I imagined a woman with a penis growing out of her left hip. I eventually figured it out, but the image of the woman with a side dick haunts me!

WeirdUS 29

There is a lot left out that needs to be filled in. Was she actually in a committed relationship with you? How long were you dating what was the circumstances of you buying the dress and the ages of the parties involved. Since you said corporate event I'm guessing it was fancy it cost a good bit, but if you guys weren't dating long and didn't have a secure relationship it might not entirely be her fault.

Doesn't say he bought the dress, just helped her pick it out....

What? He said girlfriend. Not friends with benefits not a polygamous relationship where both parties do engage in other sexual encounters with the consent of their partners. He helped her CHOOSE a dress for a corporate event so we can guess she is a grown ass woman who knows right from wrong so cheating is no way justifiable. No it her fault no matter how short the relationship is or how you young you are. Cheating is wrong. End of it and that's why he posted. If he were in a relationship where they agreed to see other people and then got pissed she did so it's his own problem but clearly this is not the case.

Who ever wrote this post need to go back to school and learn how to write.