By vibratorgirl - 08/03/2009 01:15 - United States

Today, I left my parents house to drive 90 minutes back to college. As I was getting off the exit for my school, I realized I left my bright pink vibrator sitting on my dresser back at home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 092
You deserved it 73 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your dad catches it your F'd. But if your mom catches it she might just hide it for you. hide it in her Vajay-jay

liquidpaper 0

Could be worse. Unless your parents are the freaky religious masturbation-is-a-sin type, in which case FYL.


Person000 0

oh please people saying "so what?" Think about it. Unless you have a very weird & personal relationship with your parents, it would be suppppper awkward.

i think what they were implying was that the drive Ian a big deal because it would be ocwerd if they found out, not that it wouldn't be ocwerd.

57- Are you stupid that you you spell AWKWARD as ocward? Seriously it doesnt even look right.

just hope they dont go in your room

liquidpaper 0

Could be worse. Unless your parents are the freaky religious masturbation-is-a-sin type, in which case FYL.

If your dad catches it your F'd. But if your mom catches it she might just hide it for you. hide it in her Vajay-jay

I've done that, lol, except the vibrator was under the covers somewhere and I didn't make the bed. My mom is OCD and I hoped and prayed she wouldn't come in and make my bed for me while I was on my drive back. I only live 45 minutes away from my college so it wasn't too bad :)

Ditto to #3. It seems like the worst that's going to happen is an awkward phone call and then in a few months a funny (albeit awkward) story.

You parents shouldn't be in your room while you're gone, anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem. And if they do find it and get mad at you or something, tell them that they should respect your privacy and (since you're in college you probably are 18+) you're an adult and that you (probably) bought it yourself. Hopefully they aren't the religious type like someone before me said.

Why would you have a bedroom at your parents house if you're in college. Wouldn't it just be a spare bedroom.

Last time I checked, if it's not OP's name on the lease or mortgage then there's no obligation to respect her privacy. When you're parents say "it's their house so it's their rules" they have a point. She doesn't own that room. However, OP, I am so sorry for you.

Omfg! Drive back!!! Well, lesson learned I guess.

Assmilk 0

You left a BRIGHT PINK ***** on the dresser? I can understand you left a ***** back home but a colored one that stands out? Dumb bitch.

TryToBeKind 0

If you're dependent enough on your parents to be worried about what they think of you, you're not mature enough to have sex toys. #8. Um, no. That "I'm 18 and can do what I want" attitude has Being 18 doesn't make you mature and clearly, the OP's attitude proves that. No one deserves absolute privacy in their room just because they're 18. Until you can afford your own place, you're not entitled to it.

u must be some dbag old person who thinks their kid can't have a life

i care plenty about what my mother thinks of me. she's my best friend in the world. that doesn't mean i can't have toys. i'm a responsible, mature adult, and my body is my business. what does sexuality have to do with caring about my parents' opinion, anyway?

cassidy_bright 0

So what you're saying is if you care about what your parents think then you're not mature? Hmm sounds like the opposite to me. A lot of mature people care about what their parents think, everybody should. You are probably some ornery man/woman who treats their kids like you're God, huh? And no, the whole I'm 18 and I do what I want attitude doesn't have to go, because legally when you are 18 you can do what you want if the law allows it. EVERYONE deserves absolute privacy in their own room unless they have mental issues or suicidal problems. You probably raid your kids room. And maybe she can afford a place if her own, but her parents want her to stay. People like you need to shut the hell up.

enormouselephant 15

I'm completely independent from my parents, but I still care enough to hide my ciggies and vibrator when they come over!