By honor sucks - 27/11/2011 23:16 - United States

Today, I lost a huge bet with my friends. I had to either post a sexual message on my mom's Facebook wall confessing my "love" for her, or be ratted out for cheating on a school test earlier in the year. Now I'm considered a freak by half my school, and am indefinitely grounded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 023
You deserved it 45 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JukeboxValkyrie 19

I'm worried about the other half of op's school.


Do the world a favor and just die. You are not worthy!

You sick ****, just do the cheating thing and explain it to the teacher before hand

GentleGreenOhio 5

#130 YOU IDIOT. His friends have to be able to see it. If he blocks it from them... where's the proof?

You set yourself up for that one. Should have done the right thing to begin with.

BellaMarta 19

Should've gone with the test.

I seriously don't know why you wouldnt have admitted for a test a year ago. It wouldn't have mattered..

thisguy2112 0

okay first of all why is everyone disliking the comments about loving your mom there's nothing wrong its just you people just don't love your mom think about your life without her my mom left and I haven't heard from her in a while but I don't hate her I never will

Sorry to say this OP, but karma is a b****

Wow, some people need to read "sexual message" before they begin telling the OP that it's a natural thing to do.