By hatemebeforetheyevenhatch - 24/02/2015 00:08 - United Kingdom - Clydebank

Today, I ordered Chinese and told them I was allergic to eggs. I took a bite and I found some egg, quickly spat it out and took my antihistamines. When I returned with it and complained about my potential demise, they gave me a free orange to apologise. I'm allergic to oranges. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 754
You deserved it 5 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

drayloon 50

They only gave you a free orange for almost killing you? They may as well have given you an extra fortune cookie


A free orange during Chinese New Year is really like free snow during Christmas. Such a slap in the face.

But orange you glad he didn't give you any more eggs?

Not when you are the one who has to shovel it #43

tehdarkness 21

That sucks being allergic to eggs! At least you had antihistamine handy. I would be upset though and escalate it. Someone could die from that mistake!

muis545 21

They are causing you eggstra pain and suffering.

HAHAHHA XD That pun was so bad but also so good at the same time

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drayloon 50

That mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

brookiesawr 11

the only thing we remember from school haha

so true...only thing I remember from biology.

That OP should never go to a Chinese restaurant if she's allergic to eggs... Almost everything is brushed with egg whites to fry.

"Sorry we almost killed you.. Here have this orange"

drayloon 50

They only gave you a free orange for almost killing you? They may as well have given you an extra fortune cookie

Fortune cookies have egg in it so also wouldn't be a good way to say 'sorry' to OP.

I vote you start making your own Chinese food from now on. No chance of having something you're allergic to in it.

Well, people who have allergies with specific food products should prefer cooking and eating at home itself. Better be safe than sorry! :)

Oh sure they can prefer it but that doesn't mean that they should never go out to eat or that restaurants shouldn't take allergies into account.

True but they also shouldn't go to places where that allergy is prevalent. It blows my mind. "I'm so allergic to [insert allergy here], it literally could kill me, guess I'll risk my life and go eat at [insert establishment here where allergy is prevalent]"

I'm torn on the subject. I work in a restaurant and take my guests allergies very seriously. However, 37 has a point. I work at an Italian place and when you point out that you have a garlic allergy I mentally facepalm. There's garlic in literally every single sauce. (and then the guy took a bite of his date's lasagna and I died a little inside.)

tantanpanda 26

A chinese restaurant is probably the last place you want to be if you are allergic to eggs. Egg noodles, fried rice, fortune cookies, and half the stir fry items, etc. You're basically asking to die.

duckie227 22

I'm glad SOMEONE said it. You have an allergy to something and then go somewhere where that ingredient is prevalent, you're asking to die.

#53 I too work at a restaurant where we pretty much have gluten in everything. I always take any allergy seriously when we are notified, and as I've brought up on multiple occasions, if we have an item that has an ingredient with gluten in it, and we have an allergy alert on gluten for that ticket, I can't take it seriously when their server informs them, after it has been rung in, and they say it's okay to keep that ingredient in their dish. Either you're alergic or you're not. I'm sure you know the irritation when you have to take the extra precautions to make sure they're safe and it turns out they're not quite as alergic as they let on.

#53 & #67, I think nowadays there are a lot of people misusing the allergy thing for stuff they "just don't like that much", or they do it to get the kitchen to freshly make their meal instead of using prepared stuff. Of course this is bad news for the people that really ARE allergic, because they don't get taken as seriously anymore. Then again, if you have various severe food allergies you should probably consider to stop eating out. I know it sucks, but you are putting you life in th hands of a row of people you don't even get to see. It takes one person to be less attentive than they should be to cause you serious harm.

Frillwee95 12

When you return the orange they will combine it with the egg to make orange chicken, that's how it's made fresh every day!

Which comes first: The orange chicken or the orange egg?