By Kilamo - 04/07/2019 16:00

Today, I paid $2300 to a mechanic for fixing my car. It's also the day I got into an accident and totalled said car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 657
You deserved it 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thankfully, if the car is fully covered, Usually it will take into account any and all new parts on a car to increase its value and in turn, your payout. Keep all paperwork and submit! Research similar car values and don't be afraid to keep asking for better appraisals! Good Luck!

I’ll bet the mechanic is sad that you ruined his beautiful work.


I’ll bet the mechanic is sad that you ruined his beautiful work.

Thankfully, if the car is fully covered, Usually it will take into account any and all new parts on a car to increase its value and in turn, your payout. Keep all paperwork and submit! Research similar car values and don't be afraid to keep asking for better appraisals! Good Luck!