By Jared - 23/10/2015 18:08 - United States

Today, I picked up my car after I got it painted. As I backed up in the parking lot, my car scraped against a pillar. Now I have to put it right back in the shop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 544
You deserved it 13 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bet that company is loving you right now.

I hate to be that person, but you should have been more careful. Backing into a pillar is a pretty easy thing to avoid if you're cautious.


That sucks op, hopefully they'll understand.

Lol obviously they'll understand. They're getting paid more

Bet that company is loving you right now.

Wow, that sucks. Hopefully you got a discount for a little scrape?

I hate to be that person, but you should have been more careful. Backing into a pillar is a pretty easy thing to avoid if you're cautious.

I was that person too lol. can't hate to be honest. majority of backing accidents, due to lack of use of mirrors or in a tight spot. little time to check you're clear or more time doing an accident report. luckily they did it all themselves and no other vehicles

honz99999 11

what?! who put this pillar here?

Thank you! I came here just to say smt like that. I mean, I'm sorry you scratched your car, **** your life for the timing, but come on man! Learn to drive while using your mirrors and checking your surroundings! It's not that difficult! *rant over*

I was thinking the same thing, should be "I backed into a pillar" the car didn't do it on its own

Redgy22 26

But HE didn't do it. The CAR did it. On its own. Crazy car, huh? However it happened, sorry OP. It still sucks.

keep in mind, mirrors are your friend. they are used to see objects behind you. extra $250 down the drain depending on severity

seepin 7

Just another thing for OP to destroy

This exactly happened to me, except me not having the sufficient amount of money to put it back again.

Protip: if you ever start up an auto shop, install movable pillars to rack in extra cash.

lol nice fraud. simple Ballard's around door entrances for people who don't know how to back out of a bay should be sufficient

I now wonder how many customers have scraped that pillar and had to return their car back to the shop as well. The shop planned it all along :o

ColonelCusswords 24