By Anonymous - 04/01/2010 07:01 - United States

Today, I realized that getting an awesome new phone with all the new bells and whistles doesn't mean that people will now actually want to talk to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 026
You deserved it 27 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should get some materialistic friends. Then they won't mind you waving it in their faces.


first? why would they? get out there and start making some friends, and don't depend on technology!!

Download the Friend app for your new phone

you got the wrong phone. the good ones come with contact lists.

perdix 29

Buying new technology doesn't magically make you non-boring. What you need to buy is a personality. I don't know where you can buy a personality, but a good start would be the Perdix Motivational Course on three DVD's for only 249.99 (of whatever your local currency is -- I sell a lot in Japan for some reason). Order today, call 1-800-E-A-T S-H-I-7!

Malinkrot 3

haha that's funny my boyfriends roommate was bragging on Facebook about getting the Droid for Christmas, but he's really annoying, creepy and weird so its not like its going to get put to good use.

cel123456789 0

trolltrolltroll is right, get over it

hope u really didnt think a phone made ppl want to talk to you...yikes if you did...*shakes head*

cookies_for_you 0

if you actually thought that, you need some help. maybe you should stop focusing on what technology you have and go and get some friends,