By beingthebossisoverrated - 16/07/2009 02:08 - United States

Today, I realized the extent of my crush on one of my employees. I found myself cropping our picture out of the staff photo to see what we would look like as a couple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 381
You deserved it 42 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This isn't an FML. If it turns out that they leave you to work for a rival company and run you out of business, then that's an FML. >>


tubaguy42 0

... and you can't picture this in your mind? you actually have to cut the photo out to see it?

Hahah, this sounds like something my boss might do, she pretty clearly has a crush on me. Listen, if it IS you, you should say something! But, you know, be ready for it to maybe not work out. We have to keep working if it doesn't.

nemonaki 0

Does anyone else find this sort of sweet? I don't think you're being creepy. More people probably do this but don't want to admit it. Maybe I'm being naive, but as long as this behavior isn't destructive at all, I really don't see what's wrong with it. A little advice though -- be brave! Try to ask your coworker out on a date. :)

nemonaki 0

Haha I'm sorry, *employee. And hopefully your dating policy isn't too restricting.

ASpocksky 0

That's an odd thing to do. why wouldn't you just get a picture with the one person then? lol.

this isnt an fml so **** you bitch go **** yourself

This isn't a YDI or an FML. This is a "you're a creepy pervert".

Yeah, your life isn't that ******. What the **** is wrong with you people? "OH MY GOSH, you're such a PERVERT!!!!!". I thought is was kinda cute. Since when are people not allowed to fantasise about their crush? That's why they're a crush, and everybody does things like look at photos of them and think about what you'd look like as a couple. Even you do it. You people are so full of shit.

well this is not that creepy. I saw one girl, my friend's friend, having long relationship over one or two years And when I came into her room, I saw a picture of her and her boyfriend's future son! She photoshoped it!