By carson28 - 17/12/2010 02:23 - United States

Today, I saw a homeless man on the corner, I thought I would be generous and give him some cash. I rolled down my window and waved my hand for him to come over. As he was walking over, he was struck by another car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 218
You deserved it 6 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

Yea I can see how this would suck for YOU...


I'd say "FHL", but i don't think he has one anymore!

Oses 0

That's fvcking hilarious!!!! Hope you recorded and hope he atleast got a dollar out of it lmfao!!!!

fakEwOrLD 0

It wasn't your fault homeless shoud of been more careful. One time a homeless Guy with a sign that said 1 dollars please for food wouldn't take my dollar instead he replied the sign is for pity people usually gimme at least five bucks.

that's effing hilarious!!! I hope you got it on camera and put that on YouTube! hahahah I'd be laughing my ass off!

That sucks for him (not for you). On the plus side, hospitals are warm, dry, clean, and he'll get food.

token_blackguy 18

Good news is, he'll have a bed and food.

maybe this is a sign that noone should help hobos

wahahaha that is too effed up to be true.

forgotten_addict 1

Well maybe he should have been watching for traffic.

cve45 4

why were you waving him across the street?