By still broke and jobless - 17/09/2015 20:24 - United States

Today, I saw a missed call on my phone. Thinking it was one of the multiple jobs I applied for, I called back. Turns out it was just a debt collector. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 868
You deserved it 2 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell them they called the wrong number.

Classic Catch 22. Can't get the job without picking up the phone; can't pick up the phone without taking a chance it might be a creditor.


OneFourNine 9

Did you offer to work for them? This would have been such a win: you get a job, you pay off your debts, they fill a position, they collect a debt. WINx4! Good luck in your search.

I get their calls constantly. Not the end of the world....

"today I was a deadbeat and was surprised when my actions had consequences" YDI but don't worry, debt collectors are powerless, just ignore them.

ThePandoricaOpen 18

Yeah, because job hunting makes OP a deadbeat, that makes perfect sense. Your logic is flawless.

yes because only deadbeats have debts...

Oh yeah, I must be a deadbeat because I'm fresh out of uni (like OP might well be) and can't get a job because the economy is ******. Goddamn you're a judgemental, privileged asshole #33. I hope to every god I don't believe in I'm never like you.

Sorry OP, but never lose hope, it took a long time for me but eventually I found a job. If I can get a job you can too. Keep trying!

Who ever had my phone number prior to me owes every debt collector out there, I just get bored and **** with them for fun.

The same thing happened to me a couple years ago. Whenever they called, I hung up on them since they were looking for a Rosa DeMartina and I was a white 13 year old. It finally ended when my mom grabbed my phone before I could hang up and told them they were calling a teenager. If only I could have screwed with them...

If you're avoiding debt collectors, never call back a number that doesn't have a corresponding message! Perspective employers will leave you a message. This is both a FYL and a YDI

I've been there, hope you get a job soon!