By yuckspider - 20/04/2009 00:17 - United States

Today, I saw a spider crawling on the floor but had nothing to kill it with and it hid somewhere. So, I got dressed and went out and come home for a shower, and as I'm taking off my undies, something crushed and black fell out. It was the spider and he had been in my underwear the entire day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 316
You deserved it 7 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Spider got some ACTION before it died.

FBIWarning 0


planetearth 0

Even grosser - you apparently got your underwear off of the floor and wore them. Underwear on the floor = dirty underwear. Nasty.

just be glad that you know the spider was there. because that mean's it's not still there. eek. o.o

increasethepeace 0

this seems like an FYL for the spider also. At least he got to hit that b4 he died

hahaha this happened to me. Only I sat in an ant pile without knowing it.

check for bites cuz u culd jus b numb down there ya know. Wat a way to get over a phobia :)

Ewwwww! I would have totally freaked out!

AHHHHHHH! I would faint if that happened to me.