By Anonymous90 - 24/07/2010 23:59 - Canada

Today, I spent 100 dollars on lingerie. I put it on, walked out to the living room, and told my boyfriend to follow me into the bedroom. He said no, then pretended to fall asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 918
You deserved it 6 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nicknesser 0

Who needs lingerie? Walk out there naked. Duh!


next time just walk out there naked lol. and If he still does the same thing, go wear that lingerie for someone who enjoys it

Oh noez! A guy isn't always in the mood like you expect him to be - your life is forever ******! If you're living with him, you'll get some eventually.

redrovaa 0

Well, he should've just said he wasn't in the mood instead of faking sleep. If their relationship is so weird that they're too shy to tell each they're not in the mood, not a very good relationship to start out with, eh? The FML is kinda stupid though.

y would u spend 100 dollars on a nighty I agree with whoever said walk out naked as a jay bird

FFML_314 11

For some reason, I picture your boyfriend being like the homless guy on big daddy. Lol, I just find this image hilarious!!

FHL for having to protect his virginal innocence! YDI for trying to be a seducing succubus!

kimmiebubimi 3

I hope your bf was just playing with you. and that you got some later if not damn FYL

I'm pretty sure "Norbit" could of seduced your boyfriend then you did. (Eddie Murphy movie reference) lol, (:

Son_of_Helghan 0

thank god! another grammar Nazi corrected them!

lol, Whatever. Did you understand what I meant? Yes you did.

Son_of_Helghan 0
FFML_314 11

I am them! You put a comma at the end of your sentence! You can call me, Ms. Grammar Nazi. :P

I'm on a touch and it changes EVERYTHING, as I was typing the word everything my touch insisted I meant elephant, lol. so I apologize to Mr&Mrs Grammar Nazi for my imperfect comments...

Son_of_Helghan 0
FFML_314 11

Are you implying that I'm married to Mr. Grammar Nazi? I told you it was Ms. Lol. :P

I was at your wedding. You are married and it's a fact.

Son_of_Helghan 0

I'd never marry you! anyways its very likely that you'd be a pedophile.,,.....?.!.?.,.;,):.?,.?(,(.,?.?. oops I fell asleep at the keyboard

Son_of_Helghan 0

o rly? do I actually wear a mask with 4 eyepieces? do I alway carry around an RPG? is miss grammar Nazi hitler?

Son_of_Helghan 0

oh, well the gig is up... looks like he found out that you're a pedophile ffml_314

MarkerofMagic 0

you are Mr and Mrs. Grammar Nazi. and she's your kid Nazi. you're a grammar Nazi family.