By GuitarChick42 - 04/04/2009 18:15 - United States

Today, I thought I heard my little sister playing on my brand new grand piano. Angry, I ran downstairs to stop her. My parents were having sex. On my piano. FML
I agree, your life sucks 321 463
You deserved it 22 999

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd think they'd at least have the courtesy to wait until no one else is home before screwing somewhere where anyone could just walk in!

abcdefghijklmno_fml 0


dimond_2010 0
tmlgurl 0

LMAO, regardless of how true this is, I find it hilarious.

Today, my owner's parents decided to have sex on top of me. Then my owner ran down angrily and ruined everything. I'm a piano. FML.

lol 95? you can be a guitar player... and still play the piano... or maybe she / he became a "guitar chick" after this incident...

they are making sweet sweet music :) har har

babble 0

#29 / #82 They could have easily been on top of the flat part of the piano, with the occasional stray limb hitting the keys. They would have led the OP to think someone was playing the piano without the parents actually lying on top of the keys.

This is the kind of desecration of music that sickens me. I'd not want to be around your parents if I met them due to my contempt for them.

(if it were anything but a piano, i'd probably laugh. lol, i'm pretty biased.) as a fellow pianist, i'd like to just leave a comment that denotes how pissed i would be. but there's one problem. words of this world could not POSSIBLY describe my level of anger in that moment. omg, that's sick.

Tobias_Grey 0

Hahahaha... no more Mozart for YOU.

Ryelle 0

I would be soooo pissed if my parents did that. Hell, I'm surprised it was able to hold the weight. People are freaking idiots if they want to have sex on something that is not meant to be sexed on and costs thousands and thousands of dollars. Seriously.