By lonelyboy101 - 27/08/2009 00:37 - United States

Today, I was at a club with my girlfriend of a year. A guy starts hitting on her while I'm sitting right next to her. He then asks her to go back to his place for some fun, so I start laughing thinking that there is no chance she would even consider this. I walked home alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 898
You deserved it 8 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your girlfriend's a ******* ***** YDI for not going after her

He shouldn't HAVE to make it known that she's taken. She should be able to stand up for herself and be like "I'm here with someone, I'm not a *****-nugget."


So let me get this straight. Some random guy starts flirting with your girlfriend in front of you... And you did nothing? I'm not supprised she went home with him.

Are all women as dumb as some people on this site? This whole bullshit "fight for me/stand up for me" then you get pissy when men actually get jealous. ******* stupid. A woman is perfectly capable of just telling the guy to piss off, or just flirting to be nice. It's when the guy gets aggressive or threatening that someone else should step in. Guy stand up for you? How about you stand up for your relationship and yourself instead?

Thank you, donkey_hang_down, for helping with the guys that didn't get the Wii double-entendre. I gotta love how adamt LMAO'd even though he didn't know what I was talking about.

Adamt 0

lmao # 84 what are you even talking about?

LOL, I agree. Im confused at what # 84 is trying to say.

skullbuster 0

If I have this right, he is suggesting that the OP is a giant introverted pussy who would be more comfortable playing with himself (in the dorky video game sense, that is) and that he lacks male parts (****/balls = Wii). @Plexico: Sorry friend, but this wasn't one of your better attempts. I expect better. You just seem to be in a mad reaction-grabbing frenzy on this post, you've got like 4 blah comments posted here. Better luck next time!

Thanks for your candor, skullbuster, but it goes to show that with humor, it hard to predict the hits and misses. I really liked this one. The image of the dickless boyfriend jacking with a joystick in some stranger's house while his girlfriend was getting slammed in the next room struck me as funny. I thought the Wii pun was pretty good. Yesterday I wrote one about the girl who lived her life like a TV show and I got a lot of good response from that one. I thought it was just OK. I'll keep trying.

skullbuster 0

Yes, I read that one yesterday and was duly amused.

Obviously she’s your ex now, which is a good thing cause she wasn’t worth it. My problem with you OP is why this guy was able to walk out with your ex, still conscious and breathing. If I were you OP, this guy wouldn’t have made it 10 steps from the club without needing to be hospitalized. After that’s done, you can drop her off at the street corner you found her at. It’s the female’s job to reject the other guy and it’s the male’s job to beat his ass so he doesn’t try it again. BOTH of you failed so FYL & YDI

Basically the pussy is suppose to tell the dick not to **** with her, then the other dick beside her needs to bounce in with some balls and **** the asshole up so he doesn’t try to pull this shit again.

girlygirl666 0

I agree! Why in hell is he supposed to "fight for her virtrue" when she obviously doesn't have any.

And you didn't even try to stop her? What kind of a man are you?!