By Anonymous - 08/05/2009 03:02 - Canada

Today, I was at a restaurant when I heard a young girl telling her father she didn't think she was pretty. When I got up to leave, I walked past her table and told her she was beautiful. Her dad then punched me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 002
You deserved it 16 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

see, this is why we can't have nice things.

Aria_fml 0

How is it fake? The dad could have thought he was hitting on his daughter. @OP: that was still a very sweet thing to do. :)


Oh, you did a really nice thing! :-) But I bet her father will punch other boys several more times, in the future... because other boys will show up, and it would be kinda funny if he punches them too. :P Hehe, I think you made her day better, though, because I would have been very happy about such a comment! :)

awww that is sooo nice! wow u are amazing and i hope that punch didnt hurt too much.

Jade_Rothwell 0

I think that was sweet of you.. I think the father overreacted.. Sure you were a random person telling his daughter she was beautiful, but .. why get pissed at someone complimenting your (as in his) daughter?

You must have lent in close or something, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to reach you like that. Still, unlikely you'd ever want to see someone with that type of father. You left out how she reacted to both your comment and the punch!

LeftHanded_fml 0

Why does everyone assume that this is a guy? Yeah it's creepier if the OP is a guy, but it still could have been a girl.

LeftHanded_fml 0

Does this FML change for anyone? When I clicked it this came up: Today I got home from my first year of college, and I was really anxious to just kick back and relax - it had been a long year. Come to find out, the keys my dad gave me to his truck didn't have a house key on them. I was locked out for two hours. FML But it still had the same comments. Im kinda confused.

ijkl0marissa 0

@ 36, I thought that too, but it would make more sence that it's a male, because most men wouldn't punch a woman in the face..

True. But most men wouldn't call their daughters ugly, even if she looks like Shrek.

vt_mruhlin 0

Depending on respective ages and your level of creepiness, you may or may not have deserved it. 1) Listening in on other peoples' conversations 2) Hitting on an underage girl 3) Right in front of her dad....

that is really nice of you, despite the hit to the face