By GarageSallin - 07/02/2013 15:24

Today, I was at an estate sale of my neighbor who recently passed. I recognized many items for sale that I had ordered or won on eBay from the past 8 years. Turns out the little old lady had been stealing my mail for close to a decade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 466
You deserved it 3 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd think after the first few items went missing you'd try to find out where they went..

HowAreYouToday 34

Old people are secretly evil. They're all plotting against us *normals.* VIVA LA REVOLUCION!


WonkeyDonkey 10

I hear ya OP! I'm in the same boat with my neighbours. I've had many ebay parcels go missing during the 6 years I've lived here. i started off blaming the sellers who swore they sent the items. I tried to track them and was told they were delivered to my door and thats when i i realized it must be a neighbour. i suspect who is responsible but unfortunately the law doesnt allow is to burst into their properties and look for ourselves. cannot prove anything

She's dead, now. More like **** her life.

WonkeyDonkey 10

I hear ya OP! Wow, so many to judge and blame you! I'm in the same boat with my neighbours. I've had several ebay parcels go missing during the 6 years I've lived here. (several, not every single one) i started off blaming the sellers who swore they sent the items. I tried to track them and was told they were delivered to my door and thats when i realized it must be a neighbour/s. im not 100% certain who is responsible but i have my suspicions. unfortunately the law doesnt allow us to just burst into their homes and look for ourselves and to have the cops obtain a warrant to search their home and find nothing would result in a lawsuit for slander or harassment. Which is BS! :( damn those sweet old ladies LOL

Oh I hate the post.. We just got a new mail man around the time I was going to receive hand drawn limited edition, no copies made cards from one of my favorite artists.. All to have my hard work in guessing a long random medical disorder go to waste. I did not get them but everyone else that won got theirs. Needless to say we have the old mail man back and having had any problems with him!

epilepticloh 20

that's karma for stealing your stuff!!

why didnt you notice something was up when you were not recieving the items that you ordered?

One time...a coincidence....a few times...a pattern.

the thing I don't understand is that why would you continue to order items of ebay if u never received them?

Call the police and stop the sale. Then gather your evidence and present it to your neighbors lawyer.

Wow, that is actually quite funny, but YDI for not noticing the stuff was missing for 8 years lol