By zero_minded12 - 21/05/2009 03:08 - United States

Today, I was at the mall blasting music. I was wearing a nice shirt, and had my iPod in my breast pocket. I noticed a cute girl smiling at me, so I smiled back and as she started to walk over, I turned down my music while smiling. It looked like I was rubbing my nipple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 411
You deserved it 120

Top comments

GHEE_fml 0

Okay, you have got to admit that was pretty damn funny. Think before you act dude XD.

Gotta love how these things are designed. XD


LOL, I'm sure she could see your headphones and knew you weren't REALLY doing that. Not really an FML but still amusing.

upsetman18 0

This is pretty ******* hilarious.

yesmy_love 0

HAAAHHAAAA so ******* classy. i have to say though, if a guy walked up to me like that i think i'd be intrigued to talk to him HAHA and OMG #9.... i am so ashamed that i know EXACTLY what you're talking about hahaha

why the hell did you have it in your breast pocket???

Lol, I only find the humor in this one.

sondramcfail 0

Hahaha I can only imagine that. XD

erijgio89248 0

thats pretty awesome hahahaha. not fml though but still hilarous. that's why you get one of them shuffles that like attach to your collar haha.