By GT716 - 07/04/2009 12:50 - United States

Today, I was at work at a local hot dog chain. A child (about 10, who I've seen there before) came in to order food for his Dad. He orders very excitedly, and I told him he'd be a great worker here when he gets older. He said "oh no, my Dad says I'm too smart to work in a place like this." FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 021
You deserved it 13 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trix_Disorder 20

LAWL. Love these fast-food ones. Someone's gotta work at 'em. I used to, to pay for college.

rushquickfast 0

Haha, that kid sure told YOU! Don't feel bad though, a job is a job. Too many people don't even have a job.


average_girl 0

#50 a dad shouldnt be like ur too smart 2 work in fast food... even tho most teens start out there... the dad should be like u can succeed in anything u want... ppl who work in fast food arent dumb and tht little kid is a spoiled brat and will be blamin his dad one day when is first job is drive-thru window at mcdonalds... what does this fag kid think hes gonna be a lawyer the first day he applies 4 a job??

LAXer9393 0

wowww. some people (this kid's father) just don't understand the necessity of a job and that sometimes it isn't always a great one. i hate people like that. i feel for ya.

LAXer9393 0

#50, this kid's dad shouldn't teach him that he's better than everyone else by not trying, which is what it sounds like. because a kid young enough to say that wouldn't know the kind of potential they have yet. so basiacally, this dad is saying to his kid "you're just naturally smart and don't have to try in life and you will start at the top" which is definately a lie. ughh.. people like that make me angry.

yellow_fml 0

Don't feel bad. I worked at Hot Dog on a stick during high school and still do in the summer. I love it because the benefits are great (tuition reimbursement and stock ownership). That kid and his dad are just stuck-up bitches. Someone has to cook his food.

again as always this has been on here multiple times in different forms so heres the attention you want now leave

kellster 2

Well, you DO work at a hot dog chain. Not exactly what most kids have in mind for the career to aim for, you know?

My dad told me the same thing once. We were hanging out in a rec center, and two of the custodians went over to play pinball. My dad whispered to me, "You see them? That's why you go to college." I ended up dropping out after sophomore year.

Poor kid doesn't know when to keep his mouth closed... not so smart after all. At his age, I knew better.

#59 when you were 10 you knew better? Sure, whatever you say...

Well you're live pretty sucks, xD Did you resign from your job? xD