By Sleep Deprived - 25/12/2011 05:27 - United States

Today, I was awoken by my wife, once again. It seems that whenever I stop snoring, she thinks I died so she has to wake me to make sure I'm still living. She does this almost every night, every hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 191
You deserved it 3 803

Same thing different taste


Ciraxas 7

Try presenting this idea to her. What would she do if you died in the middle of the night? Call the morgue a few hours earlier? Honestly, the only difference waking you up makes is a lack of sleep for the both of you.

teach her how to subtly poke you or check for a heartbeat

Perhaps you have sleep apnea, get it checked out

theonlysweetpea 10

My mother used to do that to me so i started locking my door. I'm a monster when I first wake up but she convinced herself that I shouldn't be mad if she's making sure I'm alive. OP, I suggest you talk to your wife...

At least she cares, but before she goes "oh my god he's dead! I have to wake him up to make sure he's not!" suggest to her that maybe she could feel your heartbeat or put her ear to your mouth and make sure you're breathing. Just a suggestion.

atleast she cares about you what if u die u would regret her checking

bizarre_ftw 21

Warn her to stop or you'll get a separate bedroom. If she doesn't actually do it and lock the damn door and put loud music on to scare her

Glitterprincess 8

It probably scares the crap out of her. I dated a guy who had sleep apnea and it scared me when he would stop breathing. About every 5 minutes. Definitely see a doctor and get it checked out, it can kill you.