By Secretlypossessed - 29/10/2018 03:00

Today, I was awoken to a punch in the face. My boyfriend said I was giggling in my sleep and he thought I was possessed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 963
You deserved it 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He neglected to mention that while you were giggling your head rotated three hundred and sixty degrees and projectile vomited pea soup.


ciph3r 9

Well OP, wait until he is fast asleep. Stand over him on his side of the bed. When ready, punch him right in the crotch. When asked, tell him he had an erection and you were afraid a demon was attempting to seduce him.

did you kick him in the groin and say" i thought i heard something"

TxKitten79 10

Time to dump him and file charges for assault. Run fast, and run far!

UOFreak07 8

You were probably dreaming about his small pecker

he punched you in the face? I hope he's no longer your boyfriend. I don't care what excuse he used that's abuse.