By Mirroronthewall - 30/08/2009 15:22 - Canada

Today, I was brushing my teeth in my bathroom. As I looked in the mirror I spotted a zit on my forehead. Keeping my toothbrush in my mouth, I quickly lean in towards the mirror to pop the pimple meanwhile lodging my toothbrush down my throat. I temporarily can't talk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 763
You deserved it 44 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Imawhalerider 0

at least it wasn't an electric toothbrush.


awuh_man 0

I think this is your excuse for blowing some guy in the bathroom of ponderosa and then realizing when he was half way down your throat he had a big one. then you regretted it cause now you can't talk and might just have an STD, and because you didn't **** him. your loss. YDI, lmao. :D

mushrooms just give up you are really making a fool of yourself really lol i dont care what you really have to sayy about me xDD

mehwhateverr 0

You people on this site are so judgmental. :/ I feel bad for the OP. FYL.

proactives a waste of tine and doesn't work.

Fakkkke!!! You wouldn't be breathing. And proactiv does work for some patients .. Depends on the skin and the severity of the acne. Also if you do not properly apply the products then it will not work as efficiently.

chowyuk 0

why would you quickly lean In like the pimple was going to get away ydi

your dentist puts forth much effort in taking care of your oral health so quit being a god-damned fucktard and show him some respect by not doing stupid shit like that. **** you again for good measure.

CuntCandy 0

Was it electric? If you like deep throating, next time use the real thing. At least you can speak afterwards!

letitbe56 0

Popping pimples is actually okay if you make sure your hands are clean before you do it and you do it carefully. Dermatologists do it all the time, and you can buy tools like the ones they use at the drug store. Plus, no one likes to see people walking around covered with whiteheads. FYL, OP.