By anonymous - 24/04/2013 04:55 - Germany

Today, I was fired on my second day of work after a year and a half of unemployment. Apparently, my "tendency to solve problems instead of just accepting them made the other workers uneasy". FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 643
You deserved it 3 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yay for people's insecurities! I had coworkers like that once, I ended up quitting.


Wizardo 33

Seriously, what kind of workplace is that? Unless its McDonalds or a asshole retail store then this is ridiculous.

daydreamer244 13

Weird, I thought solving problems was what you were supposed to do in a workplace....

How DARE you use your brain to do something, rather than sit idly by and complain about it like everyone else?

Precisely. Didn't you read the job description? "WANTED: No-getter with followership skills."

I guess OP might have something to do with the council or local government. The only tools i have seen in the back of a council truck here are fold out chairs and the occasional bbq.

Wow! I know that times are tough, but I'm wondering if OP isn't more fortunate to not be working at that place. Good luck on the new job search.

It also depends on what problem OP was solving, what if it was a physical problem with a co-worker. Then OP would deserve it, not saying thats what happened, I'm just saying.

I think they are trying to say the coworker could have had a physical problem, like a broken leg or being blind, and op solved it by healing the coworker. No acts of miracles at work policy, almost every place has one.

No, my apologizes for being too general. I meant like a physical altercation with another employee, because op had a problem he couldn't solve with another peer.

implastikz 7

finding work that you like is no easy task. someday you will find better that suits you better

homiwan 13
KilaKika 24

Stupid tendency to be responsible. This is why we can't have nice things!

Hopefully you were not in the complaint department....

maryiah 21

That sucks OP. Hopefully you'll find a job where people will appreciate your skills.