By liz1234 - 23/03/2009 00:11 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend. His mom called to him from the next room telling him dinner would be ready soon, he needed to move his car, etc. They had a 5 minute conversation...while he was still inside me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 202
You deserved it 8 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was he able to stay hard during the conv. ?

polishswede 0

I don't get why people have sex in their parents' house. It's a stupid idea. That's gross, but maybe you'll learn.


Was he able to stay hard during the conv. ?

KiSsKiZzy 0

ydi for having sex witha scrub

Jordna 0

hey, my girlfriend has talked to her parents on my phone while I was inside her.

I build houses while still inside bitches

Haha, 5 minutes. That sure ruined the mood, eh?

Probably just felt like it since you two were having sex.

polishswede 0

I don't get why people have sex in their parents' house. It's a stupid idea. That's gross, but maybe you'll learn.

What if you don't have your own house?

cartoonboy 26

I don't have anywhere to have sex with my girlfriend but my own(mother's) home. It's not nasty, just necessary.

Caustic 0

Weird that he was hard for the 5 minutes he was talking to his mom.

wtf were u doing having sex w/ his mom in the next room... and she called him instead of walking over?

r u retarded it said called over to him like yelled from room to room...ur name does not match u

My mom always calls instead of walking over. She's either lazy or afraid what she might find. Seems some people on here could use a mom like that.

Haha! Play with the balls next time if you get bored.