By legotron - 30/10/2009 08:06 - United States

Today, I was hit by a car speeding through an intersection after the light had already turned red. Still partly blacked out, I crawled onto the sidewalk and I sat down. The woman rolled down her car window and yelled, "Watch where you're going!" as she drove by. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 877
You deserved it 2 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

txgirl09 5

Hit and run is pretty hardcore illegal. I bet they can track her down and prosecute her. Geesh, people like her should be exiled so normal people don't have to deal with their jackassery.


Reyo 2

Call the cops. Gather witnesses. Get her ass thrown in jail. Sue for any bodily harm. Pretty simple. Unless it happened on some backroad in the middle of the night, someone will have either heard it or saw it happen.

Pffffft women drivers FTL..... Apparently female drivers cause more deaths then drugs.... FACT We should take the right to drive from females and give them a kitchen license instead O yeah and we should take the right to vote from them too, and the right to speak... they make to much noise nowadays. FYL...

You should just **********. Enjoy yourself.

alan1011 0

call the cops or run the old fart down in her driveway later then beat on her for a while till she isn't dumber than a stump.

it's a lady driving guys. why are we not surprised *shakes head left to right* *taps foot*

lol 1 I knew someone was going to say that!

plutosaplanet 0

anytime ive blacked out i cant remember anything anyone said

boatkicker 4

Hit, not run over. Drive went through intersection hit OP, stopped the car, waited for OP to move out of the way, rolled down the window, shouted and drove off.

liveBabylon 0

I live in Cali.. Just people are stupid drivers who thinks there all "bad ass" cuz They speed, I on the other hand speed but am ****** good enough to not crash


inconvienentgurl 0

#69 YOU NEED TO SHUT UP!! WOMEN CAN DO ALOT MORE THAN YOU CAN YOU INCONSIDERATE JERK just cause 1 woman is stupid enough to hit a guy and drive away doesnt mean all are like that you need to get a life... your going to spend the rest of what you have as a "life" miserable and die alone cause you act like that... THERE are things women can do that men cant!!!

ryguy997 0

57: soon I'm gona see an fml from you saying you hit a tree a tree or something.

janise 2

She said partly blacked out so she probably meant things were foggy but she could still hear.

Inked2009 0

Asshole shut the **** up, there is way more idiotic male drivers then female dipshit.

comanderfps 0

Ahh yes, that's why males have the stigma of being bad drivers... Oh wait a minute, they don't. It's women who do... It's ok, I forgive you for making that mistake. To be fair all humans kind of look the same, just some of them are better drivers-namely men.

letitbe56 0
ownage24 0

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(clears throat and tilts head crooked and closes mouth) But the important thing is that you're (starts laughing) still... alive (laughs hysterically) (still laughing) Sorry. It is simply impossible.

I love how you have to type in parentheses that you were laughing to yourself. It shows your raging social life.

Where did my previous comment go? Damn, women drivers ftw 0.o

I like Mercy's idea. It smells like satisfying revenge. EDIT: Hey, where'd her comment go? :o

txgirl09 5

Hit and run is pretty hardcore illegal. I bet they can track her down and prosecute her. Geesh, people like her should be exiled so normal people don't have to deal with their jackassery.

Stupid reply system, not related to the previous post. OP, you have to take legal action. I hope you're ok.

pisser27 0

find her and eat her children.

sounds like some pretty scary stuff. sometimes I wonder how the heck some people get their license. especially asian people in Australia. except for me though. I'm an excellent asian driver lol

comanderfps 0

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