By whatismydadthinking - 06/08/2009 08:45 - Australia

Today, I was introduced to my future stepmother, but it turns out that I already know her. Not only are we the same age and went to the same high school, when we were in the same math class together the teacher would often confuse our names because "we could pass as twins". FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 849
You deserved it 3 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sportmaster525 0

take a hint. your dad thinks your hot.

Maddoctor 10

That is worng on so many levels.


wellinever 5

Did you ever make out together?

RichYungReverse 0

YDI for not being older and looking like her JK. FYL your dads a creep lol

this is like the 5th FML that had to do with a stepmom being the same age as the son, lol. but seriously, FYL.

welll, this is the daughter, actually... hence why they look similar?

Denial13 0
pinkbullethippy 0

Pft, this makes me think of Hulk Hogan. His new girl looks JUST like Brooke. That's kinda weird that's she's your age.... Maybe he's trying to get back at your mom with the younger woman thing.

bexox 0

That's because it's obvious that Hulk wants to bang Brooke. That's why he's so overprotective.

Kay_Ell_Dee 0
Antivirus_fml 0

This is BULLSHIT! & those who belived it are assh*les.

PrincessesCrown 17

wow you're one of those people who think every FML is fake. Believe it or not but the same things can happen to different people

Does your Significant other get you two confused?