By whatproject - 24/09/2009 09:50 - United States

Today, I was offered to attend a Buddhist ceremony by one of my regular customers. Not wanting to offend the couple, I made an excuse about have a project for oceanography. Surprise, the husband is an oceanographer and wants to help me with my imaginary project. Karma much? FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 438
You deserved it 51 073

Same thing different taste

Alexa, play "Policy of Truth" by Depeche Mode

By is there a environmental scientist in the house? - 05/03/2013 08:48 - United States - Walnut Creek

Today, wanting to impress my date, I bullshitted her about how I was an environmental scientist. She got so impressed that she invited me over to her place. Not her home, her office. So that I could give her pointers on her current project. She's a real environmental scientist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 586
You deserved it 76 668

Top comments

You should've just gone to the ceremony. Could've been a good experience. OR if you really didn't want to go, they would probably understand if you just told them. Buddhists are generally understanding people.

Next time, try creating a slightly less outlandish lie. Like, you have to attend the G8 Summit that day, or "I'm sorry, that's my Nude Day". Nude Day always works ;)


Next time, try creating a slightly less outlandish lie. Like, you have to attend the G8 Summit that day, or "I'm sorry, that's my Nude Day". Nude Day always works ;)

Zhejan 0

Looks like you won't sea him again

unless its a nude bhuddist ceremony. A Nhuddist ceremony so to speak.

dragonstrike94 8

Eh I'm Buddhist and I see no reason as to why the nude day excuse would work. I mean c'mon what is your nakedness going to change anything? Hell no :o

You should've just gone to the ceremony. Could've been a good experience. OR if you really didn't want to go, they would probably understand if you just told them. Buddhists are generally understanding people.

this. it would be better to go and experience something new and *gasp!* maybe even learn something, but if you're that averse to it, there's no reason not to say "that's okay, buddhism's not really my thing," or hell, say you'd love to but you won't be available that day. the more specific an excuse is, the more likely that it's a lie.

he prolly knee something FISHY was going on :D

I concur with XOfiestypixie, why lie? I'm sure they'd have understood if you really didn't want to go...

YDI for stealing George Costanza's fake profession! OK, it was Marine Biologist, but that's close. The sea was angry that day, like an old man returning soup...

Then he quit that job and became an architect!

He DID get the golf ball out of the whale's blowhole! I guess he left on top.

That sucks... we've all had a white lie catch up with us. lol hopefully you at least are an oceanographer, though. But yeah, I gotta agree. either be more straight forward "Thank you for the invitation, but I won't be able to make it" or just go. Never hurts to make an appearance somewhere. :) But I agree, that does suck to be called out on somethin like this.

visage 0

say the project was put on hold and you'll go to the ceremony. watch free willy to study up on your whales tho. he'll want to talk shop...

delfinofrank 0

How is she being racist? Religion has nothing to do with race :P And not everyone wants religion shoved down their throat, tho IMO Buddhism is the better religions as there is no actual god to worship or pray to. I think OP handed it quite well, despite the fact that she got caught up in her lie.

I've attended a Buddhist ceremony, and it was a great time! Get some culture for buddha's sake!!!!!!

Actually, Karma originated in hinduism, but buddhists also use this concept.

It's also an integral part of paganism, which didn't stem from Hinduism. But who knows where the Buddhist idea came from?

Buddhism eveolved out of Hinduism, much the same way that Christianity and Islam stem from Judaism. Karma is one of many concepts that carried over from Hinduism to Buddhism.

According to history, Buddhism mainly came from Siddhartha Guantama, but has had other influences and has several different sects. Karma as is used in Buddhism, but the actual word is used a bit differently and the concept of karma is a bit different then we use it today. OP's use of the word in comparison to buddhism is not correct as karma will cause building in the mind assisting the path to Nirvana, not necessarily good things happening to you because you do good, but you become good because you do good and you will thusly reap enlightenment. In Hinduism you will experience your karma over several afterlives and it does believe in you shaping your destiny and a god changing it because you are good. Buddhism did not completely escape this and its important to remember its intertwined and interpreted with many religions. Catholic and Musslim scholars have been known to study it and bring it to their religion.

1) Yes, and Guantama Buddha was an Indian Prince, and part of Hindu society, much like Jesus was part of Jewish society. The influences of Hinduism on Buddhism are quite apparent, just as the influences of Judaism on Christianity are quite apparent (hence my earlier comparison). 2) While there are some small differneces in the way Hindu's and Buddhists use Karma, it does not mean that if you do good things then good things will happen (or vice versa) to either. Karma is related to actions. When one's acts to fullfill the ego's desires, then they are acting selfishly and cause harm to oneself and others. When one's acts without attachment, then they are acting selflessly and will cause no harm to oneself and others. Selfish action can lead to blockages in the body or mind that keep one from becomeing liberated from the Samsaric cycle of re-birth (for both Hindus and Buddhists). Selfless action is neccessary for anyone in either tradition to achieve liberation from the samsaric cycly of re-birth (for both Hindus and Buddhists).

Karma does stem from hinduism and is also a part of buddhism BUT it has NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS What goes around comes around != Karma Karma decides what you will reincarnate as. OP would have experienced bad karma if she had lied about this and then had reincarnated as a republican or something.