By Anonymous - 06/07/2017 01:00 - United Kingdom - Halstead

Today, I was on a date with my boyfriend when he suddenly got down on one knee and proposed. A waiter tripped over him and spilled our food all over him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 609
You deserved it 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fde2blknimout 18

Great proposal story though


fde2blknimout 18

Great proposal story though

Well at least this is a proposal story to remember and laugh about. He should have found a safer spot to propose to you out of the waiters' and waitresses' line of sight though.

GlowWorm56: No, you WANT to be in the "line of sight" (being seen), but out of the way.... :-)

stephh_1 11

Congrats, at least you now have a memorable proposal?

At least it's a funny story to tell your family and future generations! Otherwise congratulations!!!

ed_1505 6

More like **** his life. Can you imagine planning everything and then it getting ruined like that? I definitely feel more sorry for him

Did you say yes? Did you stay to eat? Was the waiter ok? Is anyone suing / getting sued? So many questions... Must have a follow up!

CrazyTrainWreck 19

Have a nice trip, see you next fall!

Oh my god! hope u did not make it worse for him by saying no!

Paul Laurent 15

not to mention the waiter...come to work, and probably during the busy dinner rush, some guy trips him and gets him written up. not bashing anyone, just wouldn't be surprised to see the waiters post on here, Lol.