By ThePidgeon - 19/10/2009 18:36 - United Kingdom

Today, I was ordering food at McDonald's when a condom fell out and onto the counter. The server looked at me funny before my friend turned around and said, "It's okay, he's never going to use it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 208
You deserved it 7 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm assuming it fell out of your wallet. YDI for that. A wallet is a terrible place to keep condoms.

sanem0808238036 0

FYL ....looks like life already ****** you with that condom


mylifeisfedddddd 0

well obviously not since u so easily offended from that. at least not with a girl he's obviously kidding, stop crying about it on fml it was a funny joke

Mx_Rider 6

its called never carry a condom in your wallet it can tear it u dumbass... amateurs these days tisk tisk*

doof_fisch 2

It could have been could have been a woman and dropped your diaphragm on the counter.

Why were you carrying a condom around anyways at McDonald's... It's a place where you eat not make sexy time.

AnnoyingFlamingo 0

Shove a shit load of fries into the condom and tell your friend: I hope it's not to big for your mangina, but it certainly fits you ego.

gosrisky 1

this aint no fml its a total burn, but thats it

Your friend has made a joke. Cry me a river.

lynzykins 0

your friend is awesome. warwickshire ftw.