By Anonymous - 09/03/2017 12:00

Today, I was playing with my hedgehog and he started licking my face. I thought it was super cute, until he latched onto my eyelid with his teeth. He then created a ball of saliva and blood and coated his body in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 832
You deserved it 1 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The saliva thing is called "self anointing". There's a lot of debate as to why they do it, but it's a pretty normal hedgehog behavior. They taste/smell something unusual, foam up, and smear it all over themselves. The biting thing is called "being a dick" and is also a not unusual hedgehog behavior.

lukcy_basartd 11

Well ******** hell, quite friendly that was.


lukcy_basartd 11

Well ******** hell, quite friendly that was.

A hedgehog? You're aware of how extremely unhygienic that is? They are hosts to way more parasites than regular pets.

It will be an African Pygmy hedgehog, not a regular wild English hedgehog (which as illegal to keep as pets). They're a widely kept and healthy exotic pet, that are completely hygienic as long as they are kept properly and do not carry any parasites

How unhygienic... what is, exactly? Owning a hedgehog? Being licked by one? What mouth parasites do they supposedly have that you wouldn't find in the mouths of other common pets?

not if you actually take care of them....

thatslifeiguess7 16

what other pets do you have a badger? a raccoon?

I used to have a coatimundi. Same as a raccoon. He was amazing. ❤️ Snuffy

Nice to see all the hard work put into the new interface. Now there's double the ads and crashes! Yeepee!!

Nice to see all the hard work put into the new interface. Now there's double the ads and crashes! Yeepee!!

species4872 19

And don't forget the double postings.

CyberHex305 17

Sonic was never the same after sonic boom

Kaalschneid 21

That's seriously metal. I'd unleash that brutal monster on my enemies.