By AgentRarity - 18/06/2014 16:48

Today, I was reading butthurt comments about how girl gamers can easily get dates and find love by simply existing. I'm a "girl gamer" who hasn't even found a date, let alone love. I've been looking since I was sixteen. I'm now 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 714
You deserved it 7 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can do it!! Don't give up! You are the bomb!!!

at least you know getting married on skyrim doesn't count


halloweenXx 6

stop looking. it'll happen when it happens! game on girl

As a gamer girl I can confirm that. It took me a while to find someone. Now I have, were both gamers, and we are completely in love. It takes time but it's definitely not easy.

traumtzd 16

Also looks matter, you know. Or not being crazy. Or idk an attention w****. Ive met my fiance in a video game, living together for a while now, but JUST the simple fact that i was playing a game wasnt enough to make him love me. Just sayin'.

I have no idea, but you mught look like shrek or be socially inept. Or both.

Mabye you can just spend a lot of time in video game stores, and really study every video game there. Because then other gamers will notice you and say "can I help you with something?" as an icebreaker. Since this is your chance to get a bf then I recommend dressing up a little mabye?

Metcape 11

Won't work will the internet if a guy has trouble on a part of a video game they will just watch a tutorial and than will be fine

Are you fat or ugly? if so then that's probably why.

Haha, yeah, it's not that easy. Luckily I'm not looking for anything like it. Just don't give up, get out and not just playing.

BasketCase092 19

I'm a fellow girl gamer. I know it can be rough, but it's worth the wait when you find it. I know it might seem kind of desperate, but try dating sites. Seriously. That's how I met my boyfriend and we've been living together for 2 years.