By Noname - 12/03/2009 09:06 - Philippines

Today, I was running late for work so instead of walking the ten minutes to the office, I took a taxi. The driver took the opportunity to share the story of his first sexual experience with a man. In great detail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 91 963
You deserved it 14 555

Same thing different taste

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that was his way of saying "FU for hiring me for a 2 minute ride you lazy @$$"

i wonder if he tells that story to any other stranger, or just thought you were special enough to be the one to heat it.


ya thats messed up, thats when you get out of the cab and op to be late lol

lmao that's not FYL that's F his ass...

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How could he possibly be able to tell you his first sexual experience in the little time it took to get to your office, what was it? 10 mins walking, which makes it not even 5mins to drive? I call bullshit.

You should ask him for photos of these greay history!

RHK_fml 0

Free will states you could say "STFU" or you could GTFO. Kinda your fault broseph.

LittleMissMack 0

Aw that sucks, I'm sorry. But I mean you could have done a variety of things to avoid it. 1) put in an ipod 2) call a friend and ignore him 3) ask him to shut up 4) tell him to shut up 5) get out and walk the rest of the way But, it does still suck. =)

that was his way of saying "FU for hiring me for a 2 minute ride you lazy @$$"

naza517 0

asshole, she was running late and made the exception that day, it says she usually walks one day ppl will learn to read

Chocolate_Chunk 2

yeah, because calling or winking down a cab, riding, paying and everything surely takes way less than 10 minutes (or 5 if he just ran)

i wonder if he tells that story to any other stranger, or just thought you were special enough to be the one to heat it.

wrestler_fml 0

You should have told him that your day was bad enough as it is, with you being late... and that he didn't have to make it worse by telling you gay stories. After you tell him that, then tell him that not only is homosexuality disgusting to you (AND against your religion), but that you haven't told him any "straight" stories of you with women, so you wish he would do the same. Lastly, ask him why gay people whine about being hunted down and oppressed, and then they go out and flaunt their homosexuality to people who have ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST in hearing it!?! This may seem angry and over-the-top, but it's true.