By whyme - 12/09/2013 14:44 - United States - Tampa

Today, I was standing in line at the grocery store waiting for my husband. After a while, I feel him kissing my neck, so I turn to tell him that it's not appropriate in public. It wasn't my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 748
You deserved it 4 577

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_9th_Doctor 18

I feel another FML coming "Today, I was standing in line at a grocery store, and I saw my wife. I wanted to surprise kiss her on the neck. It wasn't my wife and I got bitch slapped. FML"


i8urcookie 3

lmfao i just seen an fml saying that this guy tryied to joke with his wife by kissing her on the neck and it turns out to be not his wife. lol i bet its this women.

Sounds like the beginning of a **** movie

i just doing the fml moderation helping select new fmls to be published. it said something like this "today at the grocery store I started kissing my wife's neck. it wasn't my wife. fml" lol that's good stuff

betterdaysahead 14

you sound like a bitch I mean really your husband can't kiss you in public get real FHL if he has to deal with you.

caligirllife 11

That's so creepy. I hope you kicked his ass. And then I hope your husband kicked his ass

katydid91 31

This particular FML is so disturbing to me that even I feel violated. Definitely an award winning FML story.

Just saw an fml in the moderated section about some guy kissing a woman on the neck from behind in line at a store who he thought was his wife. I'm guessing that was the guy who was kissing you haha