By Gitana - 22/04/2012 19:08 - Spain - Tafalla

Today, I was trying on some clothes in the store's changing room, when someone reached under the door and grabbed my purse, shoes, and pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 892
You deserved it 3 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Charle0555 4

That will be a hard one to explain to the store manager

perdix 29

Someone stole your raccoons while you were trying on raccoons?


shiarrael 13

Uh... don't put your stuff on the floor. Especially not right next to the door where people can just reach in and grab it. Common sense.

Omg I hope you get your stuff back. It's hard enough the second you don't pay attention, your stuff is gone...

bladerox4 0

At least you were trying on would have been more awkward if you weren't...I think someone would have noticed someone (probably) running with pants a purse and shoes and do something about it...just hope the security camera works...

Maybe its the new method of the store saying buy what you tried on.

If the items were on the floor, YDI. Hang it up next time. Unless there werent any hangers. But regardless, FYL. Hope you found them

That's one way to stop u from following them. Thieves-1 you-0

oxxxjackyxxxo 3

Everybody know not to do that.... Especialy if yu from the hood ^_^