By Pissed Off - 07/03/2009 10:13 - Australia

Today, I was walking along the street and passed a young couple. Over my shoulder I heard the girl say to her boyfriend "Would you still love me if I looked like her?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 185 510
You deserved it 12 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kagome_eb 0

aww don't listen to them! as long as you feel good with your body

holynemesis1208 3

you should have turned around can said "he would love you more if you looked like me".


kagome_eb 0

aww don't listen to them! as long as you feel good with your body

Aww! That's just mean! I'm sorry, young people can be so cruel. :(

cantthinkofshit 5

I think that was me and my ex haha she'd always say shit like that. Fat chicks walk by, " would you love me if I was fat?" " no". Nuns walk by " would you love me if I was Jewish?" " hell no, but those are Catholics, who are freaks, so yes!"

Take comfort in the fact that she will never develop a personality because of her looks, so when they are gone in about ten years she will be forever alone.

Exactly. You are much better off than her

Some people are just ageist and superficial. Those are usually the ones who gain 60lbs in their middle age and eat McDonald's for dinner every night with 3 kids to support. Don't feel bad... you should really feel sorry for them.

holynemesis1208 3

you should have turned around can said "he would love you more if you looked like me".

i probably would have thrown a rock at her

ancientmudkipz 0

i would've kicked her stomach.

thisisnotmyname 0

I really wouldn't have been able to keep my mouth shut.

justjayit 0

What a rude bitch. Don't listen to superficial people that don't even have common courtesy.

"yes dear, then you would look much prettier." is what he should have replied with.