By whyme27 - 09/09/2009 02:41 - Canada

Today, I washed one of my roommates t-shirts. I forgot to remove it before putting it in the dryer, and all the print on the front melted off. It was a gift from his girlfriend. Who has just passed away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 570
You deserved it 20 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JFry 0

Oh wow, I bet hes gonna love that when he finds out.


Shshsh 0

Uh oh, you're ******... that is so embarrassing i'd hide my face forever lol

ashmash 0

well, you didn't do it on purpose, so hopefully he will understand. but why are you doing your roomates laundry?

Maybe the roomates the new girlfriend....

Too bad you destroyed the only piece of evidence that definitively proves he murdered her. Good luck living with a Psycho Killer, qu'est-ce que c'est.

Maybe she was doing her roommate's laundry because his girlfriend just ******* DIED and the last thing he's thinking about is his laundry? People take care of their friends while they're grieving and that's probably what she was trying to do.

hannakin 16

Exactly what I was thinking whilst reading these idiotic comments. She's only human.

Mike03_fml 0

just....sorry about that , but FAIL.

yohaun12 3

im gonna have to go with the words: EPIC FAIL here. sorry. sucks to be you.

Violet_Grace 0

Oh no! Apologize as best you can, and do anything to make it up to him. I'm sure he will understand. I mean, it's not like you purposefully messed it up, and it's not destroyed... he still has it at least. Maybe you could find some pictures of her and frame them for him or something? Idk... So sorry.