By johnboy - 09/11/2010 17:08 - United States

Today, I went for a run. When I got home, no one was there so I took off my clothes and laid on the cool wood floor. I decided to call my girlfriend and we started talking in baby voices. That's when my mom walked into the house witnessing everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 831
You deserved it 37 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Girlfriend: So what are you doing? OP: Just finished a run. I'm all hot and sweaty. Girlfriend: Ooh that's so hot. What are you wearing? OP: Nothing. I'm totally naked. Girlfriend: Ooooh! Sexy! Are you touching yourself? OP: Yeah, I am. MOM?! Girlfriend: Yeah! Call me mommy! You bad boy! OP. MOM!!! Girlfriend: OOOOOOOOOH!!


I couldn't even imagine how I would feel after that, having to talk to your mama knowing she witnessed, lmao

I'd say the grammar with the added fact that it was accepted as an FML is far more hilarious.

OMFG!!! ur pic is gonna give me nightmares... What is it? lol that thing is hideous

**** I hate when people are over obsessive with there grammar, who gives a shit ? but what i hate more is when people type like thhiissss ehhehe iiitts soooOOOOoooOOo aannnoyyinggg

I h8 wen ppls tlk lyk dis yuu get wat im sayingggggg

fakeaccountX 6

If only the girlfriend had gone on a run instead of the guy...

omgwork 0

her mom would've not minded? I don't get what your saying. ^

ok wait. if this was posted yesterday from west virginia HOW IS IT HOT OUT!? ITS FREEZING!

haha atleast op can say he is one of a kind.

76 I'm guessing OP was hot from running, probably in thick fleeced sweats if it's as cold as you say ^^ sooomebody doesn't exerciiiiise ;D

@76- ever gotten off your butt and ran around a little? even if its really cold outside, you'll still sweat, and when you get home, everything will seem a lot hotter than before.

kofinater 3

..yeah, i dont think its that much of an fml, your mom has seen you naked before, though it is a tad awkward

omgwork 0

lmao haha thats kindergarten of weird yet freaking halarious

I agree everything about that is kinda disturbing...

MohawkMagik666 0

Me could have taken a cold shower.

haha, that must have been an awkward situation XD So you were naked on the floor, talking in a baby voice ...

I wasn't sure if OP was naked or not.. it seemed so obvious, but now that i read it through a couple of times..

You have bigger problems then your mom knowing you have problems lmao

lucy331 0

I love ur picture!!!! Jake the dog and Finn the human the fun will never end ADVENTURE TIME!!

Haha that's a hilarious image to have in your mind.

Girlfriend: So what are you doing? OP: Just finished a run. I'm all hot and sweaty. Girlfriend: Ooh that's so hot. What are you wearing? OP: Nothing. I'm totally naked. Girlfriend: Ooooh! Sexy! Are you touching yourself? OP: Yeah, I am. MOM?! Girlfriend: Yeah! Call me mommy! You bad boy! OP. MOM!!! Girlfriend: OOOOOOOOOH!!

TheB0a 5

Funny. I wonder though if he was layin on his back or stomach. Then again, wouldn't a shower be better ?

you didnt have anything better to do did you??

KingDingALing 9

Hahahaha. I laughed at the "call me mommy!" part. Lol

zp5 4

thats really disturbing. *thumbs up*

Fortuitous 0

Another helpful prescription written by the good doctor.

MaximilianMarche 0
silentxninja 13

Hahahaha this is hilarious. xD