By OpenWide - 24/11/2009 03:22 - United States

Today, I went on a date and it was going great. When we got our meals, he told me I had to try what he was having, and he fed me a bite. I said something like "oh that was cute" and he replied with "I was just trying to see how big your mouth is." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 676
You deserved it 4 174

OpenWide tells us more.

I actually laughed at the time. Probably because I didn't know what to say. I can take a joke so I went out with him a few more times but the forwardness continued so I ended it... And he never got to find out just how big my mouth really is

Top comments

Would also be cute if we all weren't very much aware as to why he would like to know how big her mouth is.

ohhhhhhhh because he wants you to perform oral sex!


get on your knees and open wide better wear knee pads too, its gonna be a long one!!

Would also be cute if we all weren't very much aware as to why he would like to know how big her mouth is.

"Shucks, not even big enough for the head."

Haha well at least you don't have an obviously large mouth like me! Just by laughing you can tell that I do. :P

you should've made this face :O at the end of your comment instead of the tongue out face

ohhhhhhhh because he wants you to perform oral sex!

iarediana 0

LMAOOOOO! its funny how you just state the obvious just like that. xD

If that was supposed to be ironic, then I adore you. (:

sk8rchick97 0
amatayo 0

the is very strange I would got up and left