By sofakingweetodit - 18/10/2010 12:44 - United States

Today, in preparation for a presentation at work, I decided to take a handful of vitamins to fight my cold. As I was putting the bottles away, I noticed one of them was a laxative. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 788
You deserved it 35 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserve it for thinking that vitamins help to cure a cold. Guess what, you take vitamins and your cold goes away in a few days. You do nothing and your cold goes away in a few days. I have no clue why people think they can expedite the process. Plus, who takes pills without identifying them first??!?

mattmalin11 0

Looks like you're in a *puts on sunglasses* shitty situation.


mattmalin11 0

Looks like you're in a *puts on sunglasses* shitty situation.

You deserve it for thinking that vitamins help to cure a cold. Guess what, you take vitamins and your cold goes away in a few days. You do nothing and your cold goes away in a few days. I have no clue why people think they can expedite the process. Plus, who takes pills without identifying them first??!?

Supposedly, echinacea can help alleviate cold symptoms. Vitamin C and zinc are often believed to do the same, as well as shorten a cold's duration, but the scientific basis of those claims are questionable. Other vitamins might not affect the cold itself, but help boost your energy, etc., making the cold more tolerable.

did anyone notice that the username is the same as the other fml at bed bath and beyond? o.O

What are the odds that the same person would have two devastating life events in such close temporal proximity, and that said person would be clever enough to submit such well-written stories that would get published? Wait,what do you mean that not all of these stories are real?

Fortuitous 0

Well, Doc, after the OP was kicked out of Bed, Bath & Beyond, she had no choice but to go to work and give her shitty presentation that she had been holding back for so long.

Oh dang, I said the exact same thing without reading the comments first. I knew someone else would notice

They probably are the same person. They have teh same location.

OMG! You r soooooo ******* smart! JK! Who gives a damn? ******* douchebag!

ifailplzinsultme 0

idc about the comment. I <3 the picture!

I fail to see the FML. Now you can say you have a cold AND diarrhea! Stay home and try to relax while you wish you hadn't had that chili yesterday! :p

What's the FML? Now you won't be bothered by a runny nose. Cold cured!

perdix 29

I wish everyone who made presentations had to OD on laxatives beforehand. That would make them progress at an acceptable pace.

What do you keep your pills in plastic baggies or something? Why do you have laxatives mixed in with your vitamins? You seem a little ridiculously unorganized, OP.

Clearly I only half read this. Disregard my comment.

Cold meds might have been a better choice vitamins aren't cures... But you especially deserve it for taking pills with no idea what they are!