By Danielle - 10/06/2012 19:19 - Canada - Aldergrove

Today, it's day two of my family's camping trip. Despite the weather, bugs, and portapotties, we were doing okay, until the can opener broke. My husband is stubbornly insisting that we live off cereal and peanut butter for another five days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 126
You deserved it 3 231

Same thing different taste


If your cereal is Frosted Flakes - they're grrrreat! If it's oatmeal fyl..... I hope you brought other stuff apart from cereal and peanut butter that wasn't in cans - no respectable camper leaves without KD or ramen noodles.......

RedPillSucks 31

KD? Is that like KY? They'll have peanut butter AND jelly!

Funny!! Nope KD is Kraft Dinner (mac and cheese in a box).

27BronxBombers 12

The real question: smooth or crunchy peanut butter?

I'm pretty sure he just wants to stay for the sex. lol

Yes, because tent sex is just fantastic. -__-

Journey1996 9

Camping with portapotties and canned goods? If you were really camping you'd suck it up and go hunt for your meal and rough it out

Hiphuray4peas 27

Sounds like the time I was backpacking in Alaska. Not only did our water purifier break one week into our 14 day trip, but I severely sprained my ankle on day two. We didn't turn back... and neither should you! Peanut butter is awesome!

Nikkitaria 9

Good thing you brought your phone to Post about it on FML. I suggest you get some pizza delivered right into your tent.

Yeah, really. Where I live, if you have cell service, it's less than a 10 minute drive to a fast food place. Lulzzz! (But then again, that's Canada for ya.)

eener23 1

If you have cereal I assume you have milk. I'm sorry your can opener has broken and you now need to be "roughing it". How about enjoy the scenery without regard to what you have to eat and be happy that you have something to eat in the first place. Rant over.

If I were you I'd be stoked about those options!

Come on, where's your sense of adventure and survival? Isn't that what camping is all about?